Delhi Dhan Kuber Co-operative (U) Thrift & Credit Society Ltd.

#हमारा संकल्प । आपकी मुस्कान

Months Opening Balance Loan Repaid CD Interest Charged Amaount Payable Loan Balance

“Humanity is actually much more cooperative and empathic than [it's] given credit for. ”

– Frans de Waal

About Delhi Dhan Kuber

The Delhi Dhan Kuber Co-operative Society is registered under the Delhi-state Cooperative Societies Act 2003 with Reg No. 10707 Dated October 22, 2020. Delhi Dhan Kuber Urban Thrift and Credit Co-operative Society Limited is a leading technologically advanced and professionally managed Co-operative Society operating in Delhi, with plans for future expansion across India.

Our mission is to serve the common man through co-operative means and bring financial security to liberate them from the oppression of the economically strong people and organizations.